Do I Need a Pest Inspection Before Buying a Home?
Purchasing a home is an exciting time, but it can be easy to overlook key considerations. Although inspecting the foundation and other structural features are common practice, you may not have considered how important a pest inspection can be. Many real estate agents suggest getting both traditional home inspections and pest inspections–and for good reason! A pest inspection will help you avoid the additional cost and damage to property caused by pests infestation. If there are pests present, then you can negotiate an overall pest infestation treatment of the property before closing on the house. Having peace of mind means everything during such a big decision!
Preventing an infestation will help you avoid problems in the future. A residential pest control and inspection is a key factor in making sure you get the home of your dreams, not an infested nightmare.
1. Helps you know the pest problems beforehand
A pest inspection can help ensure that pests are not present before closing on the house and starting to spend money. If there are no problems with pests then it’s possible to negotiate for an overall treatment for all offending bugs at one time. This may be costly up front but could save more expensive treatments down the road if new ones show up after moving in. Most importantly, getting peace of mind when buying a property means everything! Preventing any potential future issues helps make this investment worth it and less stressful than ever imagined. It’s important during such a big decision like purchasing your first home that every aspect is considered including a potential pest infestation.
2. You can avoid future regret
Pest problems can be costly to your finances because repairs and exterminating costs come out of your own pocket. Unfortunately, most homeowner’s insurance policies won’t help with the problem since they don’t provide benefits or coverage for pest damages. Make sure you get a home inspection and pest inspection before purchasing your next home. It can be a costly mistake to ignore it.
3. Gives you an upper hand in negotiations
Ask any real estate agent what they think is the most important part of a home purchase and chances are he or she will say pest inspection. The traditional home inspection covers structural issues, but it can also miss pests that may not be visible to the naked eye. Pests come in all shapes and sizes from termites to roaches, bed bugs, rodents – you name it! A thorough pest inspection should at least include visual inspections for evidence of live insects/mice droppings/spider webs (outside), as well as an attic check-up (inside). If there are problems found on your property before closing on a house then this investment is worth it and less stressful than ever imagined. It’s important during such a big decision to cover all of your bases. You wouldn’t want to buy the home of your dreams only to realize shortly after that your new home is infested with pests.
4. Peace of Mind For A Pest Free Home
It’s important to make the investment in a pest inspection that not only protects you and your home, but also provides peace of mind. When you can sleep knowing that your home is cleaned and protected and that you won’t wake up to a bed full of insects that will be much nicer than the alternative. According to a cleaning service in NYC, a clean home is a must for everyone, but if you have a pest clean house is even more important. Having a clean home is a sign of discipline and care, therefore it’s good for your health and happiness.
When buying a home, rely on an expert to complete a home inspection. That’s the same with pest inspections; you can trust that a company in your local area will be thorough in checking for pests as well as checking for dry rot damage, mold, fungus, and wood-eating insects. They usually can offer you a free consultation so that you can see how much the cost will be before making a decision. This is a purchase that you will not regret.
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